Chara was born on 4/14/89. It is her 19th birthday. She has been a joy these past 19 years. She is always true to who she is. She has been a cowgirl from her first pair of boots. I wish I could have found the pic.s of her, when she was little in her swimsuit and cowboy boots
. On occasion a spin around dress and boots.
She has been a Daddy's girl from the start. When Randy and I got married he said he wanted 7 boys. Well he got 3 girls and 1 boy. He now says "God gave me some pretty good girls."
She likes adventure of all sorts, skydiving was the hardest to watch. She has always been a "No Fear" kind of girl.
She likes adventure of all sorts, skydiving was the hardest to watch. She has always been a "No Fear" kind of girl.
She is an awesome musician, she taught herself to play, she writes her own music, and has a beautiful voice. I love to listen to her. She is a daughter, sister, aunt and granddaughter. She is a friend to many. She wants to learn to rope and barrel race. She is planning on taking some college courses come fall. She has a desire to learn about so many things, should be interesting. She has a desire to be pleasing to the Lord and to her family. We have been blessed by having her in our lives. My prayer for her is to grow in the Lord, and to be a blessing to those she comes in contact with. So " Happy Birthday Baby" and many, many, many more.
Happy birthday, Chara! "Seven Boys" sounds like something Jesse would say. Maybe he will get seven grand-boys someday.
Happy birthday to my "little" sister. Love ya big much!
Happy Birthday to the only almost famous person i know!
What a nice tribute to your daughter, JD. I hope her birthday celebrations are just grand!
Happy Birthday Chara!!!!!!!!!
Love the pictures! Happy Birthday, Chara!
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